Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents.



  • 7-bit Mail
  • a

  • About
  • Add users
  • Address
  • Alias
  • Ansi Menus
  • Arc Types
  • Archivers
  • ARexx dir
  • Arexx script
  • ARexx Scripts
  • Auto DL Private
  • Auto Log Off
  • Auto Next Msg
  • Auto Show First Message
  • Auto Xpk Packing
  • b

  • Bottom
  • Buffer Size
  • Buffers
  • c

  • Cancel (conf)
  • Cancel (config)
  • Charset
  • Colors
  • Command Signature
  • Conference Configuration
  • Conference enter Arexx script
  • Conference leave Arexx script
  • Country
  • d

  • Days to Keep
  • Days to Keep (conf)
  • Delayed Msg Unmark
  • Delete Conference
  • Down
  • Download dir
  • Download directory
  • e

  • Edit Arc
  • Editor
  • EMail address
  • Entering Confs Arexx Script
  • Entering Systems Arexx Script
  • Event Arc
  • f

  • File Signature
  • Fonts
  • FSE Font
  • g

  • Gadget Font
  • Get Bulletins
  • Get Newfiles
  • Global Configuration
  • Global Paths and Files
  • Grabname
  • h

  • Haze Levels
  • Hide main window button panel
  • i

  • In directory
  • l

  • Last Saved (config)
  • Leaving Confs Arexx Script
  • Leaving Systems Arexx Script
  • Line Length
  • List Font
  • m

  • Mailpacket name
  • Mark Own Msgs
  • MIME
  • Msg Font
  • Msgs to Keep, Msgs to Keep
  • n

  • No "Next Conf?" Requester
  • o

  • Out directory
  • p

  • Palette
  • PGP Command
  • PGP SignID
  • Phone number
  • Pictures
  • q

  • Quote Char
  • Quoted-Printable encoding
  • Quoting
  • r

  • Reflow Text
  • Rename conference
  • Reply String, Reply String
  • s

  • Save (conf)
  • Save (config)
  • Save dir
  • Screen Mode
  • Screen Options
  • Screen Picture
  • Script Flags
  • Signature, Signature
  • Signature File
  • Sort conferences
  • Street Address
  • String Signature
  • System enter Arexx script
  • System leave Arexx script
  • System type options
  • Systems Configuration
  • t

  • Tab Size
  • Tag file, Tag file
  • Tagfile
  • Temp dir
  • THOR Quit Arexx Script
  • THOR Startup Arexx Script
  • Top
  • Type options
  • u

  • Up
  • Upload dir
  • Upload directory
  • Use (config)
  • Use Colors
  • User name
  • w

  • Window Picture
  • x

  • Xpk Method, Xpk Method

  • Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents.